Thursday, September 30, 2010

24 Days of Magic: 4 Days Left: We interrupt this pennant race to talk about what an a-hole Mat Latos is

4 Days Left
2 games ahead in division, .5 games ahead in wild card

Last night, Brian Wilson entered the game in the 9th inning, the Giants up 3-1. But something was wrong. Jamie saw it too. The look in Brian Wilson's eyes and in his body language was unmistakable and it was not good. It was fear.

Fear after the leadoff double, and fear after the subsequent groundout. When he walked Mark Reynolds on a 3-2 pitch, more fear. Fear even as he blew a 96 mph fastball past Kelly Johnson. When Chris Young grounded out to end it, fear gave way to a primal scream. But there will be a next time, and now I'm worried.

It makes sense. The following Giants have never played in a playoff game:
Wilson, Romo, Casilla, Runzler, Ray, Lincecum, Cain, Sanchez (Puerto Rico), Bumgarner, Torres, Sanchez (Hollywood), Huff, Posey, Ross, Sandoval, Whiteside, Velez, Ford, etc, etc, etc

By the time Wilson took the mound, the Padres had already won. Suddenly, there was big-time pressure. And Wilson looked like he was being thrown out there with a 76 mph fastball and a 75 mph changeup. Did I mention I'm worried?

Mat Latos is an a-hole. Yesterday he was quoted as saying that hte Padres are a real team, whereas the Giants just "pick up a bunch of guys and put 'Giants' on their uniform' who weren't even on the team before."
Wow, really? Do I even have to refute this? Have you even apologized for breaking Dave Fleming's sun roof?

Ok, fine. Here I go.
The Giants had the following mid-season acquisitions:
1) Pat Burrell - May. Cut by Tampa Bay, nobody else wanted him. Grew up in Bay Area as a Giants fan. Went to college with Aubrey Huff. Clubhouse leader. Mercenary? Sure, Latos-ter, whatever you say.
2) Ramon Ramirez- July. Wow, we traded for a 7th inning reliever to set up our homegrown set up man and closer.
3) Javier Lopez- July. Another reliever! We traded for two relievers!
4) Jose Guillen - August. Ok, fair enough. Now if you're counting, that's two hitters we've added. I'll come back to that later.
5) Mike Fontenot - August. we traded for a backup infielder because two of our starters has been hurt on and off all season.
6) Cody Ross- August. We didn't actually want him off waivers, we just tried to....ready for it....STOP THE PADRES FROM GETTING HIM. Can you believe that? The Padres were trying to get a mercenary! I don't even like Cody Ross! You can have him, Latos. You can break his sun roof, too.

Meanwhile, the Padres acquired MIguel Tejada (their #2 hitter) and Ryan Ludwick (their #4 hitter) via trade in July.
So we each acquired two starting hitters, we happened to also pick up 2 relievers, and a backup 2nd baseman, and then we stopped them from acquiring a 3rd hitter.

And Burrell nobody else wanted, Guillen nobody else wanted, and both are paid virtually nothing by us. It's not like we shelled out 45 million for Prince Fielder at the trade deadline (includes all-you-can-eat shrimp buffet).

In other news, the Rockies lost, dropping them 7 back with 4 to play, and reducing their playoff odds to 67%.

But just to show that I can appreciate other teams' sense of humor, enjoy this video:

Ok, so here we go. 4 games left. Up 2 games. See, I can't even focus now. I'm so upset about Mat Latos. The Giants are an awesome team. They are the anti-Yankees. Just because the Padres are broke and have no fans and you're mad because you're like 1-5 in your last 6 starts, dont' take it out on us. we're magic inside. You're not. And Carlos Marmol owns you.

Ok, one more funny Rockies video

Today, you may get a special treat: a live update during the 12:30pm (pacific) Padres and Giants games.
Today's Poll Question
2 Up, 4 to go. How do you feel?
A) Queesy
B) Is our magic number 0? No? It's 3? Queesy.
C) Great! I feel great! Oh, about the Giants? Ok. I just googled "Mat Latos kills kittens" but nothing came up.
D) Is Marmol pitching today? I'd feel better if Marmol pitched. Can Marmol pitch?

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