Saturday, September 18, 2010

24 Days of Something: Day 9 (I think?)

Day 9 (I think?)
.5 games ahead in division, 1 game back in wild card

I'll be honest, I barely watched last night. I was busy screaming at the television as Cal went down in horrid flames against a WAC school. Being a Cal fan is like being a Giants fan but worse because Cal doesn't have Buster Posey.

While Cal was getting torched, the Giants were getting....somethinged. They lost 3-0 to a team that has no pitching. They made 2 errors. They allowed Randy Wolf to throw a complete game shutout against them. It was just...lame.

And yet, it lacked a dramatic sense of foreboding, because in St. Louis, the Padres were getting beaten like they'd attacked Tony LaRussa's shelter for stray pitbulls. And while LaRussa didn't come running out of the shower with a towel around his waist yelling like a crazy man...

...what the Cardinals DID do was hammer Mat Latos and the rest of the Padres pitching staff 14-4.

With the Padres self-destructing, Giants fans have to feel good. Oh God. Wait. I almost forgot. ["Colorado’s Jimenez beats Dodgers for 19th win"]

Thank you, Dodgers. You're so helpful.

As for the wild card, the Mets were predictable yesterday, staking themselves a 3-0 lead before giving up 6 runs in one inning to a team that last week got shut out by the PIRATES.

Tonight, Timmy Slim Timmy Jimmy Jim is on the mound. But the thing with the Giants is, it doesn't really matter who pitches as long as it's not Zito. It's not like Bumgarner got lit up. He gave up 2 runs. It's not like with the Rockies where they'll lose because Not-Ubaldo is pitching and then the next day they say "oh, thank goodness Ubaldo is pitching today."

The last 6 Giants losses were by the following scores:

So it's not like we lose 1-0, and then go "oh good, Sanchez is pitching tomorrow. Now we'll score more than 0 runs for sure!"

Today's Poll Question
What does Tony LaRussa look like with a towel on?
A) Scrawny and weird. Does he wear his glasses in the shower?
B) I bet he's tatted up like crazy.
C) Please, Giants, please play a more interesting game today. I don't want another poll question like this.
D) Funny you should ask! See, this one time...

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