Wednesday, September 22, 2010

24 Days of Magic: 12 Days to Go: Buster Posey: Better Than You

12 Days to Go
.5 games ahead in division, .5 games behind in wild card
Yesterday, as the Giants took a commanding 1 to 0 lead entering the bottom of the 9th in Chicago, I decided to call my dad, who was recovering from surgery in the hospital.

"Hey Dad," I said. "I need to have you on the phone during the bottom of the 9th for moral support."
"Sorry," he said. "I can't. They're doing stuff to me right now."
"I know, Dad! That's what I mean. They're always 'doing stuff' to us! I mean, 1-0, really? We couldn't score more than 1 run for Matt Cain? And now Wilson's going to load the bases and Fukudome is going to come up and foul off 67 pitches in a row before grounding out and I'm going to end up in the hospital next to you!""No," he replied. "I mean the nurse is changing the tubes."

Well, the Giants are in fine September form, loading the bases multiple times but not scoring, laughing at Matt Cain as he returns from throwing another scoreless inning and asks "hey guys, would you mind scoring a run? It'd be really swell," and playing completely tortureful baseball for 7 innings until Buster Posey launched a homerun over the center field wall.

And that's why this email is dedicated to Buster Posey, who is better than you.

Look at these numbers:.323 avg
.373 obp
.522 slugging
15 homers in 380 at bats
And he hasn't even turned 15 yet.

Where would the Giants be without Buster Posey?
1) I wouldn't be writing a blog called 24 days of magic. i'd be writing a blog called: "how soon does college basketball start?" It'd be really boring. Each entry would be like: "only 86 days to go!"
2) Probably still ahead of the Diamondbacks and Nationals.
3) But who isn't?
4) Oh right. Them:

Meanwhile, the Braves lost again to the Phillies, who haven't lost since the all-star break. And while the wild card feels like a good back-up plan right about now, I don't really want to play the Phillies in a 5-game series. Or a 7-game series. Or the Bud Selig 6-game series. (if you get that joke, you really know baseball). My secret plan is that the Phillies will lose in the first round to the wild-card Padres (1-0, 2-1, 1-0) and that the Padres will....AH! WHAT AM I DOING? BAD ANDY!

The Padres whipped the completely useless Fodgers who continue to roll over, kick their little legs in the air and yell "look! celebrities come to our games!" But the Rockies lost in Arizona, and are now 2.5 games back.

Andy: "for the last week, the Rockies have looked like a team that has run out of voodoo magic."
(cue 12 game winning streak to end season)
Why can't you be more like Buster Posey who is better than you?

Today's Poll Question
What is your favorite thing about Buster Posey?
A) His incredible hitting. He's a rookie and a catcher and he's twice as good as every other Giants hitter.
B) His cannon arm. I loved watching the Padres try to steal on him. He threw out 7 different members of the Hairston family plus a deceptively fast Matt Stairs.
C) His name is "Buster Posey". What else do you need?
D) He looks like he's 13 years old. Even his haircut. It's hilarious.
E) Everything. He is the greatest human being ever to walk the planet.
F) The planet? What about other planets?
G) What about non-humans? He's greater than them, too.
H) What about people who just mostly crawl? Like babies?

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