Monday, September 13, 2010

24 Days of Magic: Day 4

Day 4: Monday, September 13
Tied for division lead, 1 game back in wild card

What a great weekend.

After winning 2 of the first 3 games against the Padres (two of the games were 1-0, of course), we were all set for the finale on Sunday: Mat Latos (owner of best ERA in the majors) vs. Tim Lincecum, otherwise known as Big Time Timmy Jim.

In the first inning, Latos struck out Aaron Rowand (more on the horror of that later), Freddy Sanchez, and then gave up a bloop hit to Aubrey Huff. Giants announcer Dave Fleming then remarked that Latos was showing his temper by yelling at himself about a meaningless 1st inning 2-out single. Ha! Meaningless? Not when Buster Posey is up next and hits a 2-run homer.
Giants 6, Padres 1. Tied for first.

Interesting side note: Mat Latos once threw a baseball and hit Dave Fleming's car, shattering a window. True story.
Also a true story: Dave Fleming, as Stanfurd's football announcer, has probably interviewed Stanfurd head coach Jim Harbaugh about his $50,000 bathroom:

But I digress.

Those of you on this list who are not Giants fans might be thinking that all my talk about the Giants blowing it is hyperbole. Not true! Bill Simmons of ranks the Giants as the 6th most tortured sports franchise of all time, and given that several of the more tortured teams are from Cleveland, that's saying something.

But if you want more proof, how about this? Remember when i said Aaron Rowand couldn't hurt us anymore because he never plays?

Well, Sunday morning, starting center fielder Andres Torres woke up with a stomach pain.
A BAD stomach pain.
It was appendicitis.
He's out 2-3 weeks.
Which is bad because there's like 2-3 weeks left in the season.
His replacement?
And how did Mr. Rowand do in the Giants' 6-1 win?
0 for 5

So now we come home to play the Dodgers, which is like playing a minor league team that really, really hates you.
Meanwhile, the Padres play the Rockies, who have won 10 straight games and are only 1.5 outof first. The Rockies are so annoying, it's hard to put it into words.
Hmmm. Maybe not words.
How about a picture?

Today's Poll Question:
Who are you rooting for? The Rockies or the Padres?
A) Well, definitely not the Padres
B) Well, definitely not the Rockies
C) Maybe it will snow? Like, a lot?
D) I am at peace with the fact that I cannot know which of these two teams will do better over the next 3 weeks and therefore I will simply observe and hope for an outcome that is beneficial to the Giants, and more importantly to Buster Posey who is all I ever need in life to be happy.
E) I'll take D, but without the creepy ending.


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