Thursday, September 23, 2010

24 Days of Magic: 10 days left: Frodo Failed, Miguel Tejada Has The Ring

10 Days Left
.5 games back in division, .5 games back in wild card

I don't have time to write an update today, I'm way too busy at work and I'm leaving early to go coach youth baseball which, unlike watching the Giants, makes me happy.

How about this. I'll start writing updates again when the Giants start scoring runs.

Deal, Cody Ross?
Deal, Pat Burrell?
Deal, Aubrey Huff?
Deal, Buster Po...oh, sorry, yeah. Haha, never mind.

I'll start writing updates again when the Fodgers actually show up against the Padres.

They've now lost 5 in a row to San Diego. Since when is Los Angeles supposed to lose anything five times in a row to San Diego? What does San Diego have that Los Angeles doesn't? Name one thing. More old people? No. Los Angeles has more of every kind of people. there are probably more people who were born in San Diego living in Los Angeles than are living in San Diego. More Republicans? Not even that. Name one thing.

Aw hell, Giants! I'm sorry if I seem mad. I'm not. You know I love you. Please just try to score some runs, ok? You've scored 1 run in 2 games so far on this road trip. And you're 1-1. So it's ok! You can do it! Please, for the love of all that is good, "do it."

Do it for my dad.
Do it for Rob Schneider and Robin Williams.
Do it for Rod Beck
Do it for Willie Mac

Do it for my baby so she doesn't grow up with some sort of horrible sports complex that makes her feel negative about every sports team that's not her own team because she's so scarred and eventually leads to her spouse telling her that she has a problem.

Do it for that dude who sits in left field and has a crazy beard and is literally at every game.

Do it for all of us who watched in 2002, when we were 8 outs away, up by 5 runs.

Walk to Mordor.
Hide the ring from Miguel Tejada.
Throw it in the damn volcano.
Just this once.

Today's Poll Question
When did you turn off yesterday's game?
A) Line drive. Double Play.
B) When the Cubs scored a run on a wild pitch / ball thrown to 3rd bouncing off runner's stomach
C) Off? I never turned it on. It was season premier night on ABC.
D) In April.

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