Thursday, November 4, 2010

International Giants Week

I don't know if you heard, but SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS 2010 WORLD CHAMPIONS

I still can't believe we got past the Padres!!

It's incredible how this championship changes our mindset as Giants fans, and maybe even as people.

For instance....

It's Monday night. The Giants are champions. I'm watching tv like everyone else when the news flashes across the screen that the Giants victory parade will be Wednesday at 11am and will follow the route taken by the Giants when they arrived in San Francisco in 1958. My first reaction is that I want to go.

My second reaction is....wait. Somebody planned this parade before the Giants won the world series. SOMEBODY PLANNED THIS FREAKIN PARADE BEFORE THE WORLD SERIES WAS OVER.

I'm going to kill this person. I'm serious. I'm not joking. Somebody better hold me back, because I'm going to find this person and I'm going to get myself sent to Pelican Bay. How dare this person do that? How dare they! I'm going to stab them with an icepick, I'm not even joking.

But then it hit me. We won. It doesn't matter. It will never matter again.

Ha. Whew. Anyone need an icepick?

The parade was fun, and HUGE. My favorite part was the sense I got that the Giants players were truly overwhelmed by how big it was. And it makes sense, in part because they managed to clinch all 3 series' on the road. Jerks. Their celebrations were limited to a visiting clubhouse. Now they were partying with 1 million people and the depth of their accomplishment sunk in.

My second favorite part was Aubrey Huff yanking the rally thong out of this pants a la Zoolander.

My third favorite part was the entire crowd at civic center singing Don't Stop Believing, although they should have used the Giants version: "I had faith...and I had hope....and thankfully the Padres choked!"

Anyway, Gavin declared Nov 3 to be "Giants Day" in the city.

Buster Posey said "let's savor this for a month, and then get back to work and do it again" and then pounded the podium and walked off to huge cheers.

So the "Various Numbers of Days of Magic" blog is officially following suit.

This week (through next Monday), we will celebrate "International Giants Week" with its official seal below:

After which we will dive into the Giants offseason, which should be fun and much less angstful than before.

So celebrate, San Francisco. We did it. We finally, finally, finally didn't blow it.

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