Monday, November 1, 2010

56 Days of Magic: Wherein Andy Beats KNBR With a Large Stick

Giants 3, Rangers 1

I woke up this morning feeling good. Madison Bumgarner had made the Texas offense look silly. Buster Posey and Aubrey Huff had hit long-overdue homeruns. None of my dogs had peed on my baby.

And then I turn on the radio, and the subject matter of the morning show was "should we root for the Giants to lose Game 5 so they can clinch at home?"

Are you freaking kidding me?

Hold still, KNBR. Stand right there. Now don't move. Ok, now who has a large stick?

Yesterday's game was low on the torture-meter, as was game 1 and game 2. All of which serves to lower our defenses, lull us into a false sense of security, and then........BAM.

Computer simulations probably give us a 90% shot of winning the world sereis at the stage. But it was a 98% chance in the 7th inning of Game 6 of the 2002 World series. This is not over. Do I really have to explain that to anybody with a pulse? Come on. It's the Giants. You think we're going to just run away with this thing?


Yesterday started off badly. First it was Puff Daddy, then Lyle Lovett, then Dubya throwing out the first pitch and not giving me any room to make fun of him because, damnit, he has a good arm. Then the Giants got a runner on 2nd with nobody out and couldn't score him and then Bumgarner walked the first guy on 4 pitches, 2 of which were right down the middle.

Well, then something funny happened...Bumgarner became super duper really super hugely good at pitching. The Rangers got one guy to 2nd base the entire game and by the time it was over, Laura Bush was yawning and Barbara Bush was knitting. I don't know WHAT that little Ron Washington midget kid was doing, but somebody really needs to call CPS.

So now here we are. 1 win away. More than anything, i'm struck by how unreal it feels. The Giants winning the world series? Huh?

I told some friends that today could be the 3rd best day of my life:
1. Wedding
2. Birth of child
3. Today??
4. First time I ever watched olympic curling on television

But then I remembered that day Collin threw a complete game shutout, which pushes Rachel back to #3. So really this will only be the 4th best day in the last 27 years which isn't that big a deal

(Psssst. Here's the secret real list
1. Today??
2. Complete game shutout
3. Curling
4. Birth of Rachel
5. The Play. I was negative 10 days old but if you believe that life begins at coneception than I was 8 monts old plus change...The band is on the field! The band is on the field!
6. Wedding
Dont' tell Jamie!)

Giants. Look at me, please.
You've got a lot going on.
At least 5 people in the Northeast were watching you on television last night. You've got more sucky ex-presidents in attendance than have been together in the same room at the same time since the last time Bush and Clinton filmed a commercial after some natural disaster in Bangladesh. Cliff Lee is pitching. They're going to put champagne on ice in your clubhouse and everytime Renteria goes down there between innings to drink unicorn blood to hide the fact that he's 567 years old, he's going to see it.
Bieber might show up.
So many distractions.
Hey, stop looking at Bieber.
Look at me.
Giants. Pay attention.
I need to tell you something.
Are you listening? Ok, you're ready? Ok.


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