Saturday, October 2, 2010

24 Days of Magic: 1 Day to Go: Something to make you smile

1 Day to Go
1 game up in division (i guess), 1 game up in wild card (if that even matters)

Giants fans. Really? Did you not see this coming?
How silly are you?
Of course Matt Cain gave up more runs in 1 inning than he'd given up in the last 5 decades.
Of course we rallied in 7 consecutive innings and stranded everybody, including members of the 2002 Giants who had shown up at the game to remind us that the Fat Lady has laryngitis.
Of course the Padres positioned their right fielder to stand on the wall in the corner in case Aubrey Huff happened to, you know, hit it right there in the 9th inning.
Of course Zito sucked.
Of course Jose Guillen hit into a double play.

What, you thought they'd be popping champagne?

Now, we have 3 scenarios for tomorrow's game which I can't avoid because I have tickets to actually go see it in person.
Keep in mind that my record is so bad, I even saw the Giants lose to the Orioles this year. And the Red Sox! The Red Sox!

1. Giants win. Hardy har har.
2. Giants lose, Braves win. 3-way tie. We play one-game playoff in San Diego. Win, and we win. Lose, and we play one-game playoff in Atlanta the next day. Win, and we play the Phillies in Philly the next day. Lose and we're out. Hmmmm. Might want to lose that one, actually.
3. Giants lose, Braves lose. This would be the weirdest. We'd clinch a playoff spot, but lose the division by getting swept at home. Technically, the Giants would go to their clubhouse and pop champagne. But it'd be weird. Yay! We got swept at home by a team who's leadoff hitter is Chris Denorfia! Yay! We play the Phillies who just swept a really good team on the road despite the fact that Ryan Howard batted right-handed and Charlie Manuel pinchran for Chase Utley in the 1st inning! woooooooo!

But let's not be so gloomy.
Here is a season's worth of humor from a Giants blogger far superior to myself. Enjoy.
And hey, maybe something good will happen tomorrow.
And hey, we can't be eliminated without somebody beating Tim Lincecum. That's worth something.
And hey....I get to boo Latos tomorrow.
And hey. Garlic fries.

Today's Poll Question:
A) Because.
B) Not sure. Pass. Could it
(see 3:17 mark)
C) No Marmol.
D) We are cursed. Like the Cubs, but without the whole goat thing.

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